Thanksgiving Safety Tips

a person cutting a turkey with a fork and knife

Check out these safety tips 🍗

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

Thanksgiving is a special holiday that brings together family and friends, but it also can carry some hazards for pets. Follow these tips to keep your pets healthy and safe during the holiday.

  • Say no to sweets! Holiday food needs to be kept away from pets, and be careful with leftovers. If you want to share a Thanksgiving treat with your pet, make or buy a treat that is made just for them. Foods that are particularly toxic to pets are chocolate, raisins, and grapes. Finally, don’t be fooled by “sugar free” items as they contain xylitol which is also toxic to pets.
  • Be careful with decorative plants. Don’t forget that some flowers and festive plants can be toxic to pets. These include amaryllis, Baby’s Breath, Sweet William, some ferns, hydrangeas and more. The ASPCA offers lists of plants that are toxic to both dogs and cats, but the safest route is simply to keep your pets away from all plants and table decorations
  • Check tags and update microchips. With so many people coming and going, there are a lot of opportunities to run away. If you are traveling, either transport your pets safely or find safe accommodations for them at home.
  • Create a peaceful space. Lots of company can also stress out your pets, so be sure to give them a safe place to get away from the crowd.

We hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, and we are thankful for YOU! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding your pet this holiday season.